We are collecting strip piece blocks, quilt tops or completed quilts for Veteran’s shelter, Shelter at Devens and for newborns at the local hospital.
Please email or text me photos of the strip piece quilt blocks and I will post them on the website along with the rwquested size 12.5″
Drop off to Christine, Rita or Andie.
Strip piece block 12.5″ x12.5″ paper backed or foundation pieced
Baby Quilts: The hospital is still accepting Baby Quilts! The sizerequested is approximately 30” x 30”. Slightly bigger or smaller is acceptable. She will wash them (Dreft) and dry them. Andie will deliver them to Leominster Hospital Emergency Center
Larger Quilts
Lap quilts (suitable for wheelchair)
Twin XL – 58″ x 88″ – these will go to the veteran’s shelter
Twin 58″ x 80″ – these will go to the shelter at Devens
Twin XL to veteran
Twin to shelter at Devens
As an incentive you will receive a raffle ticket for each quilt dropped off. Remember to include your name and the quilt size with the quilt.
Samples of strip pieced blocks:
Pillowcase Challenge: DONE!!!! We have delivered over 50 pillowcases (or whatever we can make) for the Veterans’ shelter in Worcester. Our challenge was to make two pillowcases per guild member.

Some sample tutorials and patterns:
Missouri Star Quilt Company
Man Quilting
American Patchwork and Quilting One Million Pillowcase Challenge
Please put your pillowcases in a zip-lock bag with your name and the number of
pillowcases in the bag. You can drop your donation off at Christine’s front porch.If you choose a more convenient location, Christine can pick them up. As an incentive to reach 100 pillowcases you’ll receive a raffle basket ticket for every extra pillowcase more than two!

Quilts for Transitions at Devens and Camp Sunshine
Quilt sizes requested for Camp Sunshine are
- Twin: 68 w x 82 L
- Bunk: 40 w x 89 L
- Futon: 54 w x 84 L