By Laws & Policies


Amended By Laws 11-14-2023


Visitor Fees – Yearly due are $30 and cover the period from June – May of the following year. Visitors pay a $5 fee for each meeting attended.  The visitor fee(s) may be applied toward membership for that membership period.

Workshop Refund Policy:

  • Class fees are due upon registration for a workshop.
  • Registrants will receive a full refund if the guild must cancel a workshop.
  • A participant may cancel and receive a refund if the workshop is over the minimum number of participants and is prior to the deadline specified for the workshop by the program chair.
  • If a workshop is not over the minimum and a participant wishes to cancel, they will not receive a refund.  However, they may sell their spot.  The Programs chair must be notified of the change prior to the workshop.

Workshop Cancellation Policy: Workshop may be cancelled due to bad weather or lack of facility (i.e. loss of electricity). If this is the case, an effort may be made to work with the speaker to find a mutually acceptable date to reschedule. Mothertown Guild reserves the right to cancel a workshop if we have not met our minimum number of participants for this workshop.

Guild Meeting Cancellation –  see Meeting page.

Older By-Laws

Amended By Laws 02-19-2019

Amended By Laws 11-14-2017

Amended By Laws 09-12-2016

Amended By-Laws 09-08-2015

Amended By-Laws 10-11-2011

Amended By-Laws 05-10-2011

Amended By-Laws 10-12-2010
