“Home of the Brave”, NE Quilt Museum (2011)

Sept. 22, 2011 saw four MTQ make their way to the New England Quilt Museum to volunteer their time sewing on the “Home of the Brave” quilts for mothers and spouses of fallen soldiers.  The four, Bonnie Broders, Ann Heffernan, Andie Ordung and Nancy Collins finished a quilt top, sewing together the sashing, cornerstones and pieced blocks.  When finished they were allowed to sign one block with “Mothertown Quilters, Lanacaster, MA”.  When looking over the completed top what did their wandering eyes behold?  A block pieced and signed by our own Phil Farnsworth, who did sew and sign a block at the museum’s table at the recent Images Show!  Imagine that!  Phil’s block is right next to the one we signed for the guild.
We were happy to put together a quilt top, but all four of us wished to make our own block and thought some of you may want to as well, so with that thought, we brought home kits of pre-cut fabric and instructions to make 15 more blocks and also a kit of 15 finished blocks ready to sew together with sashing and cornerstones into a finished top, as we did at the museum.  7 kits are spoken for, the rest will be at the guild meeting and retreat for those interested in sewing one.  Contact for the guild is Bonnie. The museum would like the finished top and blocks returned by Nov. 6, to either the quilt museum or to the museum booth at the “Gathering” show, Nashua NH Nov 3-6, 2011.
The museum was very thankful for our time and sent us a nice thank you note.  We had such a fun time sewing and also had time to view the current exhibit “Maine’s Quilt Heritge”, quilts from the Maine quilt documentation project.
For more information on the “Home of the Brave” quilts the website is www.homeofthebravequilts.com
To work on the quilts at the museum, contact Rhonda Galpern at 978-452-4207 or outreach@nequiltmuseum.org